The Land Liberation Study
Date & Time
Saturday, September 12, 2020, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

"The Land Liberation Study is Highlander Center's focus on land and place justice through training, movement accompaniment, and popular education. This intentional focus has defined “Land, Legacy and Place” as a methodology of encouraging popular education to honor, learn, and teach history and tactics for land and place justice. The Land Liberation Study affirms that structural land issues intersects with racial, economic, and cultural justice. Highlander Center's Education Team member, Charice Starr, has focused the Land Liberation Study on Black land loss in the US South with the National Black Food and Justice Alliance, the Black Land and Power project, the Appalachian Land Study, and the Bertha Challenge's 2019-2020 cohort of global land and housing activists & movement journalists. She is also currently providing technical assistance and resource needs/connections for regional organizations and families facing land issues."

Virtual Session Link